Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Strategies Public Relations (Public Relations)

Companies using the method of public relations (public realations) to convey messages and create an attitude, image and opinions are correct. Public relations (PR) is one means of promotion / communication important. So far, no more than a public relations campaign tool / communication the least used, but this tool has great potential to build awareness and frequency in the market, to strengthen the re-positioning the product, and to maintain the product. Public relations (humasa) is often equated with publicity. In fact, the publicity was only part of public relations. Publicity is the company's activities are designed to trigger media attention through articles, editorials and news that are expected to maintain awareness of stone, outlook and image of the public thinks of the company to remain positive. Publicity can be used with a single benefit, mislanya launching new products or reduce the negative opinion that happen. Publicity can also be used for multiple benefits, such as improving some aspects of corporate activity.
Many companies use marketing public relations (marketing public realations) to promote a company or product and create a company image and products. Marketing PR role include:
Assist in launching new products, such as new product launches Pantene Hair Fall Control to respond to consumer demand to reduce hair loss due to breaking the 98% claimed to use regularly for two months. Share knowledge about Pantene hair fall to the press that for the case of women in Indonesia is experiencing hair loss due to broken.
Assist in conducting placement back position grown products, such as those carried out by PT. Unilever Indonesia after the acquisition of Cap Bango soy sauce in 2001, Unilever made repositioning Cap Bango soy sauce by cooking competitions involving mothers house for Jakarta and West Java. The cart then continue activities that target the Sate Bango food vendors on the street and proceed Festival Bango Snacks are included in the previous television shows such as delivered by Bondan Winarno, Indonesia culinary experts. Finally, Cap Bango soy sauce into a position ketchup market share rank two.
Build interest in a product category, such as Maspion invited to buy products made in Indonesia.
Affecting specific target groups, such as sponsoring Qurban Extra Joss 2 billion and then open along with a 600-peddlers Jabotabek, so get a good image of Muslims. Extra Joss currently ranked first for enhancing energy drink category.
Maintaining the product is having problems in society, such as Lion Air, which dropped the name after the accident in Solo, but Lion Air could appeal again to cooperate with Metro TV in helping the disaster in Aceh by providing free seats to some passengers who went to Aceh and providing special aircraft to transport relief goods to Aceh for free.
Building a corporate image that supports the product, such as family holds high values Sosrojoyo believed, the good intentions, does not endanger human health and environmental damage. Finally Soetjipto Sosrojoyo get Life Time Achievement in Marketing Award, can strengthen Sosro Tea brand that is now the number one brand of bottled tea category.
Method public relations and publicity is the main publications, important events, sponsorship activities, news, events, community service activities, media corporate identity, employee relations, product placement on television programs or movies and information services and internet phones.


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