Wednesday, November 11, 2009


M. Enis's band (1974:378) diartikan's promotion as “.. comunication that inform potential customers of the existence of product and persuade them that those product have want satisfying capabilities's usa “. William J. Stanton (1981:445) declare for “ basically, promotions is an exercise in information, persuation and conversely, a. person who is persuaded is also beiong informed “

Promotion that diartikan can as a sort communication which give cogent explanation prospective consumer about goods and service or even one process divides IDE, audiens's information or feel.

Factor that regards promotion mix

So in our promotion strategy knows promotion mix or promotion hotchpotch that is regarded many factor is of important, Stanton (1991:432) divide to go to in a few factor for example:

1. The amount of money available for promotion.

Effort that have capital there are many of course more has ability to confound squashy promotion elements.

2. The nature of the market.

pasr's situation concern marketing region condition geographically where consumer can visit.

3. The nature of product.

this product situation concerns if product for consumer the end or industry consumer.

4. The stage of the product ’ s life cycle.

on zoom which product life cycle was reached will regard promotion that is utilized.

Meanwhile William J. schoel (1993:425) factor that regards promotion mix is the marketer, the is market's target, product and the situation.

Promotion elements

1. Advertising.

John D. Burke (1980:9 ) mengartikan advertising as “.. Is a. sales message directed at a. mass audience that one ex through, persuation to sell goods, services or ideas on behalf of the paying sponsore “” be John W. kennedy mengartikan advertisng as “ salesmanshif in print “

Media that often been utilized for advertising or advertising can pass through newspaper, magazine, direct mail, TV, radio, bisokop,advertisement board, car card, lamps, catalogue, telephon etcetera.

emerging frequent advertising terhabtung on type and affinity (appeal) one that begat by that advertising. so we know beberapap advertising type that often been featured by television or another media for example:

A. Price advertising, more advertising self-assertive interesting price. Advertising:”Pocket camera;current camera, to who only, fujica pocket 250, just Rp 17.000,- bag and film following ”

B. Brand advertising, more advertising gives impressi about name brand to reader or its hearing. Advertising: “Instant, now Dancow Instant savory, just 4

* Sales promotion
* Public relation
* personal selling


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