Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Strongest Leader

Self-analysis and the environment is a powerful weapon that a leader should possess. In the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu said: "He who knows himself and knows his enemy, he always won with ease. He who knows the heavens and the earth, he triumphed over everything. "Charlie Chaplin, British born film actor, had taken part in a contest like Charlie Chaplin. It turned out he just became the third winner. Important issue that can be drawn from these events is how well you know yourself and let others know you? And how trka and how you jujurkah respecting and listening to the heart or your feelings? Write

Robert. K Cooper and Ayman Sawaf the Executive EQ. Winston Churchill mengataan "I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like to be taught". Logic CEO in the book, written by C. Ray Johnson, says the Oracle of Delphi "Know yourself. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your own, stay close to your customers and employees, and give authority to other staff in the things that you perceive as your weaknesses. Stay always thought these things so you do not have a problem anymore. You have the opportunity to become a great leader. "

When he was in the glory and fame and has competed all over the world, Muhammad Ali one day's walk through a poor district in Harlem, New York, followed by a crowd of reporters. At the moment came to a garbage-strewn alley, he saw a homeless man who was lying exhausted on the edge of nselokan. Having requested that the reporters and photographers away, Ali bowed and crouching, to chat with that person. After Ali's saying goodbye and leaving, a reporter asked about the impression this bum to the "Ali The Greate". "She's Greatest," the bum said. "Why do you think so?" Asked a reporter. Bum replied that Ali asked him why he had to become homeless. When he tells the sad story he'd been through, he saw tears in the champion's eyes. So, looking at Ali's greatest sebaai is "When I cried to him. He was crying behind me. "

Prophet Isa a.s. said to Yahya bin Zakarya a.s. "If someone remind you with something and say about yourself correctly, then give thanks to God. If he told a lie about yourself, then add it rasya thanksgiving, because it has added savings to your deeds and you are a peaceful people. That is, that the good people that will be written on your behalf in record your deeds. "Said the Prophet Muhammad about a man, that he is a man strong and brave. Then the Prophet s.a.w. asked "How could such a thing?" The people replied "He's stronger than anyone, and no one challenged him unless he's struggling to defeat enemies.". He said: "People are strong brave people who can defeat himself, not someone who can beat others". Peminpin the strongest is a leader who can defeat himself.
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Discouragement abstinence

I say "Congratulations" to you who have experienced a failure, whether failure to make love, failure to achieve the job you desire or failure in building the business., Because you can learn from the failures. I have a relative who told me, that he had been what he wanted always achieved and he never failed. But when he failed in his job, until now, never to rise again.

You probably still remember the best films of 1990, the Dances With The Wolves, starring Kevin Costner and won an Oscar 7. The film was made based on the novel of the same name written by Michael Blake who also acts as a screenplay writer. Michael Blake is an exemplary figure of persistence needs. Novel Dances With The Wolve the twentieth novel. He has written nineteen previous novels, but not sell, so he had to live in the slums of not being able to finance his life. Tidurpun place he did not have. But he refused to despair to make a novel. When he was in office publishing his novel, he got a call from someone. "I have read your novel" the caller said. "Oh yes" said Michael Blake. "You are very good novel. What if I filmed "the caller said. "I'm happy and I want to help write the script" said Michael Blake. Then forget Michael Blake had not asked the name of the caller. "Oh yes. Who are you? "Said Michael Blake. "I'm Kevin Costner" sipenelpon answered it. After the novel Dances With The Wolves made the film and won an Oscar as best film, the novel Dances With The Wolve sold like peanuts. Millions of copies sold, making Michael Blake rich quick. Although actually 19 times starting from the failure to make a novel.

Similarly, Colonel Sanders, before reaching for success as an entrepreneur Fied Chicken Fried Chicken Kentucky's largest and best in the world, must go through the failure times in 1018 to sell franchises Any failure. He sees as part of the study, then fix what caused the failure, or people will not buy a franchise and do not blame people who do not want to buy it. New in the 1019 time, some people want to buy a franchise of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He was born 9 September 1890 and had success after 65 years of age. Hartland Colonel Sanders eventually became a symbol of entrepreneurial spirit. Kentucky Fried Chicken is now no more than 80 countries around the world.

Achieving success is, like climbing stairs. The higher we climb the ladder, the higher the level of our success. But most of the before the last step on the ladder, they are desperate and stopped up the stairs and gave up. We did not know at which steps. Was in the initial steps?. In the middle of the stairs? Or in the last step?. Only God the All-Knowing. Only a desperate abstinence, we will up the last ladder.
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Selecting Target Price

The first step is to select the target price, such as survival, short-term profit maximization, sales volume, market demand, leading in market share, competition, prestige or status quo. The Company aims to try to survive by lowering prices. Profit is not so overlooked, as long as prices cover variable costs and some fixed costs. This target is only for the short term and long-term expected corporate

The maximum profit is now done by estimating the demand for the company and the costs associated with alternative prices and choose the price that produces maximum current profit, cash flow or return on investment (ROI). This strategy is done by assuming that the demand and cost functions can be known, but in reality difficult to predict. This strategy ignores the long-term performance, ignoring the effects of marketing mix variables, competitor reactions and legal constraints on the price.
Goal-oriented company in sales volume done by setting prices so as to increase sales volume. The Company assumes that the volume of sales that will result in higher per-unit costs are lower and profits higher long-term and assume that the market sensitive to price.
Target excel in market share made by increasing or maintaining market share without considering fluctuations in industry sales. Target excel in market share is often used by companies for products that reach the mature stage of product life cycle.
Target market demand is pricing linked to customer expectations and specific purchasing situations. This goal is often known as "give the price with what the market wants".
Target price competition designed to match or beat the competitor's price. The objective is to maintain the perception of good value relative to competitors. Tempo Scan bodrex priced in such a way to compete with competitors.
The target is to design a prestige that is consistent with the price of a product that has a high status or prestige. These prices are designed with little attention to the company's cost structure or a competitor.
Target status quo is the goal that set prices to maintain the existing prices in an effort to maintain the relative position of competitors.
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Strategies Public Relations (Public Relations)

Companies using the method of public relations (public realations) to convey messages and create an attitude, image and opinions are correct. Public relations (PR) is one means of promotion / communication important. So far, no more than a public relations campaign tool / communication the least used, but this tool has great potential to build awareness and frequency in the market, to strengthen the re-positioning the product, and to maintain the product. Public relations (humasa) is often equated with publicity. In fact, the publicity was only part of public relations. Publicity is the company's activities are designed to trigger media attention through articles, editorials and news that are expected to maintain awareness of stone, outlook and image of the public thinks of the company to remain positive. Publicity can be used with a single benefit, mislanya launching new products or reduce the negative opinion that happen. Publicity can also be used for multiple benefits, such as improving some aspects of corporate activity.
Many companies use marketing public relations (marketing public realations) to promote a company or product and create a company image and products. Marketing PR role include:
Assist in launching new products, such as new product launches Pantene Hair Fall Control to respond to consumer demand to reduce hair loss due to breaking the 98% claimed to use regularly for two months. Share knowledge about Pantene hair fall to the press that for the case of women in Indonesia is experiencing hair loss due to broken.
Assist in conducting placement back position grown products, such as those carried out by PT. Unilever Indonesia after the acquisition of Cap Bango soy sauce in 2001, Unilever made repositioning Cap Bango soy sauce by cooking competitions involving mothers house for Jakarta and West Java. The cart then continue activities that target the Sate Bango food vendors on the street and proceed Festival Bango Snacks are included in the previous television shows such as delivered by Bondan Winarno, Indonesia culinary experts. Finally, Cap Bango soy sauce into a position ketchup market share rank two.
Build interest in a product category, such as Maspion invited to buy products made in Indonesia.
Affecting specific target groups, such as sponsoring Qurban Extra Joss 2 billion and then open along with a 600-peddlers Jabotabek, so get a good image of Muslims. Extra Joss currently ranked first for enhancing energy drink category.
Maintaining the product is having problems in society, such as Lion Air, which dropped the name after the accident in Solo, but Lion Air could appeal again to cooperate with Metro TV in helping the disaster in Aceh by providing free seats to some passengers who went to Aceh and providing special aircraft to transport relief goods to Aceh for free.
Building a corporate image that supports the product, such as family holds high values Sosrojoyo believed, the good intentions, does not endanger human health and environmental damage. Finally Soetjipto Sosrojoyo get Life Time Achievement in Marketing Award, can strengthen Sosro Tea brand that is now the number one brand of bottled tea category.
Method public relations and publicity is the main publications, important events, sponsorship activities, news, events, community service activities, media corporate identity, employee relations, product placement on television programs or movies and information services and internet phones.
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Learning From Failure

Failure is a label that often we associate with an action that did not work and so applied, the label is making us say that is not capable. This decreases our enthusiasm to become a successful person. By the time we were little, failure has no meaning, because we do not have the concept of "failure". If we have the concept of failure, then we will not be able to speak, will not be able to write and not be able to walk. Because to speak, write and walk to the failure of countless. Likewise in the business world can also mimic our failure in childhood and we can learn from the failures.

Coca-Cola had failed in the first year sales. Sales conducted by placing the Coca-Cola in the beverage in the pharmacy and 73.96 dollars spent to promote through banner ads and coupons. Failure to make Coca-Cola create awareness of other media, the mass media has more power when compared to other media and promote Coca-Cola with the atmosphere of joy.

Matsushita to produce for the first time is a plug adapter. This adapter has actually proposed to the previous employer but did not receive a response. To create this product, along with four companions Matsushita took four months. After this product so no one was going to buy this product.

In 1993, Compaq which at the time as leader of the PC sales market, put through a price cut to compete with Dell. The result of Dell Computer loses 65 million dollars in the first six months, which caused nearly bankrupt. Dell learned from this failure. He tried to find other ways to sell computers. Finally, Dell made a very fundamental change in business process reengineering called. in business with the introduction of E-Commerce. At 1999, Dell can sell 1.7 million dollars per day on the website E-Commercnya. Dell shares rose 2000 percent in two years. Dell can compete with world class companies such as IBM, Compaq, HP, and Bell-Nec. Even the market share and profits continue to rise and eventually became the largest PC seller in the world.

When I started the business with friends, sayapun repeated failure again. I started with the failure of a Salesman Book, telex Salesman by phone, and car salesmen pengkilap materials. Primagama who only got 2 students in this campaign has done a fairly intense. CV. Wijaya, the company that serves the car care services that eventually die. Similarly, business start computer education center "IMKI", just get AMIKOM 3 students and trusted by only 6 students. I'm with my friends trying to learn from failure, then make corrections and improve mecoba for success
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009


M. Enis's band (1974:378) diartikan's promotion as “.. comunication that inform potential customers of the existence of product and persuade them that those product have want satisfying capabilities's usa “. William J. Stanton (1981:445) declare for “ basically, promotions is an exercise in information, persuation and conversely, a. person who is persuaded is also beiong informed “

Promotion that diartikan can as a sort communication which give cogent explanation prospective consumer about goods and service or even one process divides IDE, audiens's information or feel.

Factor that regards promotion mix

So in our promotion strategy knows promotion mix or promotion hotchpotch that is regarded many factor is of important, Stanton (1991:432) divide to go to in a few factor for example:

1. The amount of money available for promotion.

Effort that have capital there are many of course more has ability to confound squashy promotion elements.

2. The nature of the market.

pasr's situation concern marketing region condition geographically where consumer can visit.

3. The nature of product.

this product situation concerns if product for consumer the end or industry consumer.

4. The stage of the product ’ s life cycle.

on zoom which product life cycle was reached will regard promotion that is utilized.

Meanwhile William J. schoel (1993:425) factor that regards promotion mix is the marketer, the is market's target, product and the situation.

Promotion elements

1. Advertising.

John D. Burke (1980:9 ) mengartikan advertising as “.. Is a. sales message directed at a. mass audience that one ex through, persuation to sell goods, services or ideas on behalf of the paying sponsore “” be John W. kennedy mengartikan advertisng as “ salesmanshif in print “

Media that often been utilized for advertising or advertising can pass through newspaper, magazine, direct mail, TV, radio, bisokop,advertisement board, car card, lamps, catalogue, telephon etcetera.

emerging frequent advertising terhabtung on type and affinity (appeal) one that begat by that advertising. so we know beberapap advertising type that often been featured by television or another media for example:

A. Price advertising, more advertising self-assertive interesting price. Advertising:”Pocket camera;current camera, to who only, fujica pocket 250, just Rp 17.000,- bag and film following ”

B. Brand advertising, more advertising gives impressi about name brand to reader or its hearing. Advertising: “Instant, now Dancow Instant savory, just 4

* Sales promotion
* Public relation
* personal selling

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direct Mail for Relationship Marketing

direct Mail constitutes a communication tech that experience growth so quick since 18th century. Why? Since for a large part market agent, direct Mail constitutes easiest communication tech is measured to weigh another teches. We can direct ‘ account total one be transferred and total one return ’. By use of this tech, relative easiering to makes a criticism system total freight of objective market particular part. This trick also close resemblance is easily as menganalisis response that at accepts and by use of software type ‘ contact ’ current aught, can take in that response to final sales department. In its bearing with this direct mail's cost we can know sacara must how big cost each penjualaan. We can also account profit on straightforward investment and more meaning.

direct Mail's role
direct mail really corporate benefit especially while face audiens in number that relative little. Herein, direct mail can become one and only connecting media regularly.
direct mail also becomes pretty good supporting tech for advertising and Liaison campaign. direct mail can pass on order diffusely and specifically which will be read and is absorbed if its target target correct and it creative solution is designed with every consideration.
direct mail merupak is pretty good media to arouse response. We often get it good deep personal life or business. Even ‘ junk mail ’ that match, most of we shall discard its bank several times in one year. If its content corresponds to audiens's wish target therefore very likely they that merespons will. Therefore, direct mail acts out sentral in there are many campaign bisiness to business.
Via one series of dispatch, direct mail can also be utilized to break down a complex order as a number unsure and sends it in size smaller one. This trick as essential while direct mail's dispatch is attributed to teach audiens or as media of warning e.g. about AIDS, smoking danger and health, issue about lingkunagn etcetera.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

10 trick crazy deep businesses

To go forward deep business or activity whatever, are not its rare need IDE IDE at a swoop action ‘ gila. ’ untrammeled madness of standard default one effort process. Are not rare upturned acquired of tricks that unusually. Nah, in its book gets title 10 Jurus prohibits (Shuttlecock Is Still Want Ordinary Trick Business?), Ippho Santosa asks out pebisnis braves to explore takes the air alternative business that don't chanted so-so aliases. 10 jurus that Ippho offers in this book as kind of reminder on their behalf that wants and tripping business. By converse that really personal, careful language is read, nukilan nukilan maestros carries on business, Ippho presents one delicate reading at a swoop viscous its nutrient. There are many person gets to carry on business by gets cognitive manner stock. But, without creativity from pebisnis, its business is not forthcoming effloresce. Evenless kontemporer's the world treat new surprises and uncertainty. Therefore, necessary innovation, creativity, and new breakthroughs in turn around business wheels if doesn't want its business end with molder or bankrupt. Jurus first, begin with right one. Ippho asks out reader optimize right brain role. Daniel Goleman's psychology expert right brain hemisphere constitute emotional brain. This relates by emotional intelligence (EQ) and close to intuitive energy, creative, and ekstensif. While, brain lefting to constitute rasional's brain that loads to energi analisis, calculation, and detail. Strongman majority racks brains its left. While, they that strong its right brain may tell the few. Just in a that doesn't follow big current (mainstream) this is ‘ madness ’ it lies. A pebisnis that visioner braves to utilize its intuition. Often happens business road map at market is not complete. Intuition really gets role in here. Besides, creativity becomes to be of important. Philip Kotler's marketing teacher admits effective creativity in marketing jeniusnya. Last, one right brain ability is think to extend. A pebisnis needs picture extend about its business, its dream, and its vision. Jurus second, braving has dream and mengeksekusinya in action. Ippho explains many business and also find a figure of speech outgrow that comes into the world of one dream. Mention is Walt Disney even with disneyland, Einstein with its Theory Of Relativity, Wright is brothers with fancifully its aircraft. But, dreamed living will dream if no action. To it, Ippho makes DNA'S formula, dream and action. Drd Jurus, fall as rollercoaster. Ippho asks out person trick out failing. Pebisnis won't go forward otherwise brave unsuccessful. That failing businesses deep condiment. Donald Thrump and Robert Kiyosaki has once bankrupt. But, they adequately ‘ refractory ’ to bewail failing. Within reason rollercoaster, carry on business them shall be back rise. Jurus fourth, make peace with storm. Person oft find weakness in its business and it tends to choose bewails to weigh arouses. John Foppe, a that is borne in a state doesn't get arm can settle its weakness. It can ride car on age 16 years. Now, it is popular as motivator experienced at Zig Ziglar Corporation. Its key none other than passion. Jurus to five, seat is with low. Togetherness spirit and team collaboration becomes to be of important deep business. Ippho calls it with team in love. Love (love) herein is decomposed bases Sigmund Freud's opinion that divides to love deep 4 elements, namely respectful (respect), attention (care), accountability (responsibility), and science (knowledge). Four element it is of important to be had by a pebisnis. Jurus sixth, substitute title and responsible position. Personal branding momentously deep open business relationship. Its trick can so nyentrik. Ippho gives crazy trick tips make title. Including trick crazying to utilize and menebar is business card to build business network. Tom Peters opines that business card not changes as pack. Somewhat gets to determine if reasonable product at believe it or not. One again, Ippho asks out how ala crazying to accost customer to be able to ‘ most swings ’ on aim carries on business us. Jurus seventh, heaven input most before. With this funny title, Ippho wants to ask out person gets entrepreneur and also boss mental. An entrepreneur will open job opportunity. A boss which able will create boss under it. With so, foundation business will get robust. Ippho also offers one way crazy how buyer can run after grocer. One crazy trick that make coming fortune draws near we and are not we that pains look for fortune. Jurus eighth, letting coup. In jurus this, Ippho gives trick crazying to make brand has assess komersial. Even, on given level, letting alone consumer that ‘ plows ’ that brand. Citing Alex Wipperfurth's controversial idea in Brand Hijack: Marketing without Marketing. Divide it, brand is canvas gawp. Consumer was let to colour it. Even, ‘plow ’ that brand (brand hijack). Its application, bagaiman is loyal's clientele forms one brand community and they recruit more and more member again. Ninth Jurus, bewaring Crazy epoch. Ippho emphasizes the importance for positive view on epoch that gets to revolutionize. It catches available 5 tren carries on business kontemporer, namely pursuit spirituality, social marketing, people power, pursuit of simplicity, and positivity insurection. For the moment, pebisnispun starts to dig up business inspiration of spiritual's sources. Pebisnis also begins notice ecology issue issue and social social in its business policy. Consumer has energi strength influence. Consumer wants product that carries practicability. pebisnis starts to get focus on what do can be restrained in the middle the world all the way this crisis. Tenth Jurus, dead peacefully. Business not only takes proceedings dredge up gain. Ippho asks out pebisnis to expose oneself on social care with passion and compassion. In essentials, how pebisnis also memerhatikan manner in carries on business. Get business with heart (conscience) at a swoop gets business cautiously (cautiousness). Nah, spread IDE IDE at this Ippho's book may may be told not new. But, one excess Ippho is can present creative IDE IDE and even controversial in one map that make easy reader can read that IDE IDE is deep a series whole. Evenless Ippho can give a lead case that kontekstual with local problem. Inspire tattle that tremendously personal makes reader as get discussion with Ippho own. To pebisnis, this book as one ‘ camilan ’ nutritive reasonable one to be consumed.

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